March 19, 2011

sometimes we argue...

1. Who gets to do the dishes.
This usually results in Kolton boxing me out so I can't reach the sink.
2. Which brand of toothpaste is better.
 I say Colgate because it has a flip lid.
He's a Crest man.
3. Along with that, the quintessential squeeze-from-the-bottom argument.
Kolton is a little crazy about this. He insists that our toothpaste be squeezed paper thin before we even think about throwing it away.
Toothpaste is not something that I lose sleep over at night.
4. Whether or not I'm a good driver.
My opinion on this matter varies from day to day. When he comments on my awful driving skills I look at him in astonishment and indignation. However, when we are going somewhere and he hints that I should drive, I insist that it's too dangerous for me to do so.
5. Who should eat the leftovers. 
I have a deep and abiding aversion to leftovers. Kolton says that I just haven't ever gone hungry. (which is true) I just can't stand the smell of the food the next day or the condensation on the lid.  
The last time we had this conversation we made a deal that we each had to eat half of the leftover Hamburger Helper (which wasn't actually that appetizing when it was fresh) and then could make whatever else we wanted. Sure enough, when I made it home for lunch the contents of the container were split right down the middle.
6. Whether or not pepperoni pizza is delicious or disgusting.
Kolton has an aversion to pepperoni pizza. He says it's too greasy or something like that. I myself, have never had a problem with it.
7.Why in the heck I would buy shoes I can't walk in.
I don't actually know the answer to that one.

As you can see...
Life is pretty good.

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