March 26, 2011

the humiliation chronicles: playground safety

So up here at BYU-I, we like to do a lot of group projects.
Let me rephrase that...the administration  likes for us to do a lot of group projects. But that's a rant for another day. yesterday I got together with my groupies. We had an assignment to make a movie about playground safety. So we headed over to our local Porter Park and got started.
We demonstrated the right and wrong ways to use the swings, monkey bars, and the slides.
You know all those things that were illegal during recess that pretty much made it so you didn't have fun at recess?
That kind of stuff.

I had volunteered to demonstrate the right and wrong way to go down the slide.
And just so you know, it was awfully rainy/snowy/windy/typical Rexburg weather yesterday.
I brought a towel and mopped up the slide before I sat down on it.
Then proceeded to go down headfirst, on my stomach.
I got to the end of the slide and tried to situate around to get my legs underneath me so I could hop off the slide, but something went horribly wrong.
I don't really think those slides were made for college-age girls or even anyone that has even a semblance of hips.
I was wiggling around trying not to get stuck in the slide and I just wiggled right off!
But it wasn't as graceful as that makes it sound.
Somehow I crashed headfirst into that nasty bark crap that all playgrounds have nowadays.
My legs were flailing out behind me, I was yelping as I went down, and there was an audible 'thud' once I hit the ground.
The worst part?
They got it all on film.
My groupies were all chuckling kind of awkwardly as I lay laughing on the ground.
I don't even know these people! I didn't know how to react, and they sure as heck didn't know how to react.
Oh my...
It was one of the most embarrassing moments I've had in a while. And we got to replay in in slow motion-several times, I might add.

So moral of the story.
There's a reason they don't let you slide down headfirst! 

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