March 14, 2011

the day before yesterday

See this pretty girl?
She's my sister.
and I love her.
A lot.

I just have to brag about her a little bit.
Ty is about the most determined person I have ever met. When she decides she's going to do something, she does it.
And she always does her very best.
nothing less.
Even though I tease her a little bit (okay, so a lot) about her insane running habits, I have to admit, I admire her for it.
Rain or shine, snow or below zero degree weather, she laces up her running shoes and off she goes.
She's got some serious mileage on those babies.

Along with her determination, is her desire for perfection.
This wasn't always fun back in the day when we played Barbies. she would spend more time dressing the Barbies, doing their hair, or setting up than actually playing. 
But now this need for perfection shines through in her schoolwork. She gets A's in all her classes, and more importantly, A's on her pre-cal tests.
(Something I didn't even know what possible)

She's got a strong will. Ain't nobody gonna tell her what to do. She's not exactly the subservient little sister I always hoped for. But that's okay...I guess.

She's also tough. incredibly tough. She's dealt with things no 17 year old girl should have to. but she's made it. And she's still going strong.
Because that's just the kind of person she is.

This weekend I got to see her shine on stage as she participated in Jr. Miss. She did so well! All her hard work, her fun personality, her good qualities, and accomplishments shone through and she was just lovely.

Good job little Ty/Tylee Toad!
Love you lots!!


  1. Go Ty Ty!!!:) She is truly amazing and I love her! This made me cry. I just love you guys!

  2. Thanks Jayci that was very nice...I was just telling someone the other day about how we used to play barbies and how I wouldn't actually play I would just dress them up. Thanks made me cry to that was nice. love you tylee


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