September 1, 2010


September is becoming a newly aquired taste for me. i used to dread september because of all that it implied. the end of summer,
school starting,
cooler weather.
but since i've gotten older (and wiser!) i have come to appreciate september for all of it's many charms.
whenever i think of september lately, i think of....
big, beautiful, autumn leaves crunching under my feet as i walk to class.
(i always step out of my way to crunch on a big leaf)

cozy autumn-y clothes that you can snuggle up in
(i picture a big blazing fireplace nearby-even though those are in short supply in my little apartment complex)

(these are my two lovely roommates "the heathers")

and lastly, i think of my favorite movie of all time-"You've Got Mail"
if you have never seen this movie: go to your local video store and rent it as soon as possible.
my favorite line in this, my favorite movie of all time is when Joe Fox is emailing Kathleen Kelly right in the beginning of the movie. here's how it goes....

"Don't you love New York [Provo] in the fall? it makes me want to buy school supplies. i would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils
if i knew your name and address."

i don't know why, but this idea of a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils puts
such a charming picture into my head.

yellow no. 2 pencils,
uniform size,
pink eraser,
sharp, pointy lead,
and all tied up with a beautiful ribbon.

can you see why i love september?

1 comment:

  1. {L.O.V.E.} this!! You are already a prof blogger and I'm addicted to reading it already! Mucho love you!


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