September 7, 2010

the bad news

I get woken up every morning at exactly 7:00 on the dot.
(which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just a little strange.)
But I have done some investigating and discovered that I believe the reason for this is because my bed is right next to the window which is right next to a very busy street where early morning drivers have no qualms about using their horns.
even at seven in the morning.
oh, utah drivers....

After I woke up at exactly 7:00 on the dot, I decided to drag my roommate Kelsee out of bed to go running with me.
Seriously, with exercising, (and most other things) the buddy system is the way to go.
I didn't want to leave my nice, warm, soft bed to go run around in circles on a dumb track,
she didn't want to leave her nice, warm, soft bed to go run around circles on a dumb track,
but because we had both promised each other that we would go,
we did.
The running wasn't necessarily a bad thing either (once we got up and going)
But feeling like I was going to collapse in a heap on the way home from campus was not real fun.
My poor little legs were just plum worn out!
(and the clompy shoes i was wearing probably didn't help the situation)
(also-just a sidenote, the one teensy little mile that I ran took me sixteen minutes. SIXTEEN!
there's definitely room for improvement in that area of my life)
 I have a bad feeling i'm going to be "feeling the burn" tomorrow morning.

After collapsing on the couch after my long day of school I managed to make myself a grilled cheese sandwich(which happens to be my favorite lunch item at this moment in time)
and I also managed to burn it to a crisp.

It wasn't quite this dramatic, mainly because i was using a griddle instead of a toaster, but was pretty darn close

But being the tough woman I am (more accurately, the poor college student I am)
I ate it anyway.

and that's all.
(none of that was necessarily "bad news" just kinda funny stuff that resulted in a kinda funny little day.)

I forget to mention (and to end on a "good news" note)
Yesterday I finished two physical science assignments thinking they were both due today.
But when I showed up to class,
only ONE was due today
I'm actually ahead of the game!
(We'll see how long this lasts)
but for now, I'm feeling pretty dang good.

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