September 13, 2010

BOYS in our ROOM!

(that's a bit of an inside joke)
But seriously-there is a man in my apartment. (he's just maintenance, don't worry) and hopefully he's fixing all of the little woes that come with apartment living. the couch missing a leg, drawers that stick, broken chairs...just the norm.
On a completely new subject.....I had a wonderful weekend. going back home was just exactly the perfect thing to do. Granted, the drive is a little long. but even that I didn't mind too terribly much.
I got to hang out with the fam, with my neighbor, make and eat yummy food (I always want to cook when I go home. I think it's because I don't actually have to go out and buy all the ingredients, and maybe because our kitchen at home is a tad bit bigger than in my apartment. just a tad.) go to a beautiful wedding reception and reunite with some old pals, watch my sister run at her cross country meet, and basically just have a wonderful time.
I will admit, I was a little discouraged upon discovering my dad's newfound love for Boise State football. I told him his loyalties should now all lie with BYU football.
But then I watched the game against Virginia Tech. and now I might be converted. All I can say is it's a good thing BYU and BSU never play each other. For now I can be content not worrying about who I would root for if it really came down to it.
But I gotta hunch I'll always be a BYU fan at heart. (if only because they sure know how to make a classy poster) and for a lot of other reasons too of course.

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