September 8, 2010

and the ugly...

(I just couldn't help but finishing that cliche/movie title.)
I woke up to a huge gigantic NASTY cold sore!Yucky! But I've been gobbing medicine on it all day so hopefully it disappears soonly.

I was right-I was just as sore as I predicted I would be today.
So with the combination of a huge, swollen upper lip and hobbling around campus today, I was a sore sight for all eyes.
BUT-there was some good that happened today as well. It was actually waaay more than just good, it might have been almost the best thing to happen to me all semester!
I attended my physical science 110 lab today and the TA informed me that because I already took physical science 100 last year and we will basically be covering the same stuff (same book, same tests, the whole enchilada) that I could drop that class and instead take physical science 111 which is just basically going to labs and doing lab writeups. so now, not only am I ahead of the game....
I'm not even in on the game! (and no, not because I'm a bench sitter) basically-to continue with the "game" analogy-I got moved from the lowly c-team to VARSITY.
I think I deserve a letterman jacket.

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