September 22, 2010

oh kelsee...

That's actually the lyrics of a song. But this story has to do with an actual Kelsee, who is my actual roommate. Last night I had just barely gone to bed when I heard some whimpering and giggling coming from outside my door. Of course I had to go check it out! So I jumped out of bed and opened my door to find my darling roommates KyLeigh and Amy standing outside the bathroom door. It didn't take me very long to put two and two together and come to the realization that our other darling roommate, Kelsee, was locked in the bathroom.
After giggling with the other two who were taunting kelsee that she was going to have to sleep in there for the night, I quickly jumped into action, peeled apart a bobby pin and started shoving it into the little hole in the doorknob. I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to do with the said bobby pin shoved in the little hole, but I've seen others do it a million times, so I tried it out. After jabbing and jabbing for about thirty seconds, KyLeigh finally said to Kelsee (I thought she was kidding. I really did)
"Hey, how about you pull on the door instead of pushing on it."
I kind of snickered at this. I mean, of course Kelsee knows to pull on the door. We've lived here for what? a month?
Turns out...Kelsee didn't know.
Approximately .5 seconds after KyLeigh gave her this seemingly useless piece of advice, we heard the door unlock and out walked Kelsee. We all stared at her in shock for a minute and then just busted up laughing. I don't think she's gonna hear the end of that one anytime soon.
Oh Kelsee....

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