February 28, 2011


That is what we have been doing the past week. We have been scrounging for food to eat since I decided to try something really fun and only go to the grocery store once this month.
uno momento
(Sometimes I use my limited 8th grade Spanish to make up Spanish phrases that really don't make sense but sound neat. I think it drives Kolton crazy)
But actually....I did go that one other time to pick up stuff for my "suga and spice" cookies.
Oh, and there was that other time in preparation for our road trip. (Everybody knows it's not a road trip unless you got goodies! I had to remind Kolton of that fact)
But other than those two times....
uno momento.
We seriously had nothing in our house. noth-ing.and it really was fun because I felt like I was being cost-effective and we had to eat some of that stuff that everyone buys but never gets around to eating and finally throws away because it's two years out of date. (i.e. hamburger helper and cardboard pizza) and because I had no ingredients, I got out of cooking for a time.
So with our fridge bare neck-ed I finally decided it was time to break down and go to the grocery store.
I actually really like going grocery shopping. I like to take my time and browse the aisles looking for the things I need...and some things that I definitely don't need (i.e. the chips ahoy cookies and certain items from the special displays set up to fool innocent shoppers into thinking they need those things in their cupboards right. now.)
I'm such a sucker.
 and I even worked in a grocery store!
Kolton teased me a little bit after I got home about my impulsive shopping habits, but not too much because I know he's just glad he was off the hook. (He doesn't actually like grocery shopping too much. I think it's because he's not as good at spending money as I am)
But now our fridge and bellies are full and I don't have any reason for not cooking anymore because my cupboards are fully restocked. (shoot)
I'll let ya know how that goes.

February 24, 2011

a discovery and some other ramblings

I made a new discovery the other day.
I was shopping around the Rexburg metropolitan fashion area and found a new little hidden boutique, Lulu Bella.
About three seconds after I walked in those doors, I decided that I was either in heaven or in love (or both, simultaneously)
I. love. that. store.
The inside of the store was so vintage-y and dressed to the nines and I decided that I wanted just about everything they had to offer.
Really. Everything.
But I refrained.
For now.
I came home and explained to Kolton just how much money I could have spent if I didn't possess the extreme amount of self control that I have.
(Okay. So maybe extreme is a bit of a strong word. I did break down after an internal debate and buy myself a headband. Though that also took a lot of self control considering I could have come away with much, much more)
Go there. like, soon.

Also, we are going on a little mini escape from Rexburg. (hallelujah!)
Tomorrow afternoon at precisely three o'clock we will be shaking the dust of this ole town off our boots and will be headed to the beautiful, hopefully above 20 degrees, Boise, Idaho.
But not to worry.
We will be returning the next day.
Bummer. But it's still a vacation!
We're going down to Ethan's state wrestling meet. (Oh, you didn't know I was a wrestling fan/connoisseur? Well.....that's because I'm still working on it. I'll let you know when I reach connossieur status. [love that word, by the way])
So until we return, adieu.
(and that's about the extent of my French-ie vocabulary, although I did talk to a girl from France today. We're very cultured here at BYU-I unless you didn't know)
Okay. I'm done now.

February 21, 2011

reason 219 why i love my husband

He untangles my necklaces for me. And doesn't even complain {too much} about it.
Seriously. My necklaces are always in a big wadded tangly mess. There are three possible reasons for this:
a) I don't have a jewelry box
b) (see a) As a result, my necklaces are placed in a little woven basket that is currently overflowing.
c) (see b) Disclaimer-they might not exactly be "placed" in the said basket. More like.....tossed.
So until this little problem gets solved, Kolton will have to keep untangling my snarled mess. Poor guy.

February 18, 2011

there's somethin about fridays

found here
That always gets a little buzz in the air around campus. Everyone's excited for their weekend plans, maybe a hot date, or just a little time to breathe.
All I know is that Fridays have long been my fave day of the week. Fridays meant sleepovers with friends, movies, and lots of giggling.

Tonight I've got big plans with my own hot date.  We're staying in. I stopped by the video store and rented us a sappy chick flick. (Kolton's gonna be pumped) I can't wait.

But first, I gotta tidy up around here. (Who said Saturday was the only special day)
Happy Friday!!

p.s. Our upstairs neighbors just turned on an episode of The Office. I can hear the catchy theme song through the ceiling. Oh apartment living....

February 17, 2011

spring is in the air

Windy day in Ireland!
found here
But if you think that that means it's getting any less chilly up in here, you are wrong-a-rino!
A good indication of Spring being right around the corner....(or around the block is probably more appropriate time-wise) is the blustery wind we have been having lately.

Holy moley, it's been nasty the last couple days. Spring really might have been in the air, but pretty sure the wind blew it away. It was almost fifty degrees the other day. (heat wave!) and soooo lovely.
But yesterday and today that ole wind picked up and I have not enjoyed it one little bit. (Never been a big fan of the wind. It's ruined many a sun-bathing experience for me)
But I do believe the worst part other than: a) my hair being a mess all over my face and stuck in my chapstick every time I leave the house,  b) freezing my poor little ears off, and c) getting blown every which way all over the sidewalk is that our windows in our apartment aren't totally workable and don't totally shut all the way so the wind howls all day and night.

It's kinda eerie to wake up to that in the middle of the night (just so you know). Good thing I've got my buddy to protect me. :)

We've got some serious draft problems as a result of the window thing. When the wind is especially moving the blinds get to swaying. Pretty sure that's bad.

So I guess Spring isn't exactly right  around the corner. But here's hoping it's coming soon to a town near me.

February 14, 2011

while i'm on the subject....

I feel so badly about my blogging absence/neglection (is that a word?) so I figure that while I'm putting off my homework I may as well just write a little more about the daily happenings in the Hansen household. I'll keep it short, promise.
First, Saturday was a lovely day. Seriously. I don't know about all ya'll, but we live for Saturdays in our house when we have nothing to do and all day to do it.
This Saturday was so wonderful because we didn't have anything planned and we weren't in a rush to go anywhere.
So we spent the morning scrubbing the house. (Whenever I tell my mom I'm cleaning she always says, "Well, that'll take ya about five seconds" because my "house"/living space is actually very smallish)
Well, it took us a little longer than five seconds.
Kolton took the kitchen (what a guy, huh?) and I took.....the rest of the house. While I was scrubbing the bathroom I see Kolton walk past with our wedding gifted fancy new drill (if I had a quarter for every time he's told me it is his favorite wedding gift....) I don't know about you, but in all my experience in cleaning the kitchen I have never felt the need to bring out the big guns (the drill) so, naturally, I was concerned.
As I nervously followed him into the kitchen I saw that he was disassembling our microwave to clean in all the nooks and crannies. I'll tell you what, when you tell that boy to clean, he cleans.
After we finished scrubbing (and re-assembling the microwave) I got started on my next project.
making our favorite dinner of all time.......CHICKEN BALLS!
 (the official  name is actually "chicken cordon bleu rollups, but chicken balls is so much less of a mouthful)
We don't have them very often because they are pretty time-consuming (though extremely easy) to make. But luckily I had some more help from my little buddy who was trying to find an excuse to get away from homework (it's a problem around these here parts, obviously) so we got to cookin!
Lastly, I made these babies (please don't be offended)

Obviously these are not mine. Mine did not look nearly as yummy or sassy as these do. (still working on that cooking thing)
I found them on a blog and just thought they were so hilarious and couldn't resist! Such a fun valentine treat for you and your hubby.
After that, we cuddled up and watched The Bourne Ultimatum. We had spent the last two nights watching the other two (because I had never seen the whole series) so we ended our weekend with a bang.
Here's hoping we can have some more chill Saturdays in the near future.

back when we were your age...

Yesterday we paid a visit to good ole Monteview. (I sure love that place). We went to church and then had dinner with my family (a GOOD Sunday dinner) and were going to celebrate Little Ty's birthday later that afternoon.
So while we were coming out of our Sunday-dinner-stuff-yourself coma (wait-you thought that only happened on Thanksgiving? Not around our house. Thanksgiving dinner isn't actually that exciting because it's pretty remniscient of the Sunday masterpiece dinner my mom makes every week-I digress.)
ANYWAY-back to the day of rest.
My mom has been converting some of our old home videos made with those huge, chunky, video machines to small, fancy, tech-saavy dvds.
So we popped in a few and it didn't take long till we had tears streaming down our faces because we were laughing so hard.
First, we watched a video of my parents on their wedding day. Outside the temple, taking pictures with the family, at the reception, and (my favorite) their "interview".
The guy making the video pulled my parents and their parents into a room to ask them all sorts of questions.
We were laughing at my mom's giggly almost ditzy-like giddiness (I now know where I got that from) and my dad's younger voice, studly-attitude, and perma-grin.
But the funniest thing was the mannerisms! Holy cow, twenty years does not change a THING!
The way my dad told the story of how they met was EXACTLY how he tells stories now. He goes back and forth and forgets parts and adds them in later-I love nothing more than listening to him tell stories.
The way my grandpa hunched over while he talked and folded and unfolded his fingers while he was giving his piece. Even just the things that he would say, just funny little sayings/stories that I have no idea where he comes up with.
For example-the Sunday before we got married, my grandpa walked up to Kolton and I at church and said to us, "You know what the monkey said when he got his tail caught in the lawn mower?"
Of course we didn't.
"It won't be long now..."
So cheesy, but so my grandpa and so funny.

After the wedding video we popped in some of the videos of us when we were little. Oh my, we were the strangest children. I don't even know how my mom dealt with us all day.
In one of the videos my mom had us each sing a song, tell about ourselves (what grade, teacher's name, how old we were) and then we each got to do a trick.
We each tried to do a cartwheel or a somersault.
"Tried" being the key word in that sentence. Not a lot of coordination around our house.

After we finished that hilarity and my makeup was all smeared on my face because I had been laughing so hard, we headed over the Kolton's house.
After a little digging, we finally found a video of he and his brother freestyle wrestling in '96.
It was amazing to me how many moves they knew when they were still just little guys.
But we got a kick out of watching them do the "Russian roll-over" freestyle move. Lots of points scored with that one.
And the way that the singlets were falling off half of the kids. Kolton's mom had sewn the shoulders of his brother's singlet  till it had little tabs on the top so it would fit him decent.
The Hansen's actually got more of a kick out of it than I did. I still don't fully understand high school wrestling, let alone freestyle so some of the things that they were laughing at I was intently staring at the screen to figure out what exactly was so funny.
Must be a wrestling thing.
I'm sure I'll find all of that kind of stuff out one day when our children become wrestlers.
Kolton informed me last night that he started wrestling when he was four years old. (four!) and that he intends for our future children to do the same.
Ohhh....heaven help me. :)

February 2, 2011


-I finally conquered an "online" recipe! Yeah, it was an exciting day. And very delicious. Baked Potato Soup was it's name. (we're potato people)
-I grated my finger. again. In almost the same spot as last time. Kolton is now the official cheese grater of our household. 
-Kolton got a new toy for his truck and he made me get in the pickup and rev the engine so he could "listen to it". Our neighbors love us.
-Wednesdays are my favorite (after Fridays) because my family always comes in to visit with us and Cousin Austy gets to sleep on our couch.
-I just finished reading....no wait, devouring this book.

Holy cow, it was SO good. I don't know if it's just the time period that was so interesting, or that Kolton could pronounce some of the Russian words I didn't know, but it was probably one of the best books I've read in a while.
-We are so ready for some warm weather. like, more ready than we usually are. I have been asking Kolton if we could PLEASE escape from this place and go somewhere where the sun shines and it is actually warming. I'm sick of this sunny day/-20 degree weather. Seriously.
-On a whim, I took a trip to the DI. And bought three movies. For six dollars. Video cassettes to boot. Talk about a great purchase! (I don't know what it is, but for me there is just something so charming about watching a movie on the VCR. I much prefer that to a DVD.)
-I mentioned to my dear friend Andra that I desperately need to start working out. The next day she sent me a workout routine list. We had our first "session" yesterday morning and this morning I thought I was gonna die as I got out of bed. Talk about being sore!
And that's about all I've got for ya for now!
Oh and it's Wednesday, which means it's ALMOST the weekend! Wonderful!
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