March 12, 2014

Wisdom from Mrs. Hansen

So on a normal day at school I talk a lot. Like a lot. Naturally when you are me and you are talking that much, you are bound to say some stupid things. ( the following is by no means a comprehensive list) 

I had to film myself teaching for a principal evaluation and I was a little nervous about it. Not super nervous because after student teaching I am used to being observed. But I was fairly nervous and just wanted it to go well. I actually told my class that the principal had ask me to film them so she could see how they behaved in class. And they were angels! I should do that more often! I read to them the story of the three little pigs and in this version the wolf ate up the two dumb pigs. It's called natural selection. Anyway maybe that version was a little more traumatic because I had a lot of kids talking about how the pigs didn't get eaten but ran to the brick house. For the purpose of the lesson I wanted the pigs to get eaten and liked my version of the story better. As I was trying to explain that, this pearl of wisdom fell from my lips, "well, different stories are different." Yes, mrs. Hansen, you definitely changed some kids life with that line. 
As soon as I said it I knew what a retard I was and then gave a little better explanation, but i already have video evidence. 
When I had to watch my teaching it was definitely painful for many reasons, but that line was just so embarrassing to me for some reason. Especially when the principal watched it with me and for rewinding purposes we had to listen to me say it at least three times. It was great. 

The other dumb thing I've said lately...that I can remember was when I was just having an off day. It was Thursday   and I don't know what was wrong with me but the whole day was just weird. I couldn't focus or think or anything. It was just weird! Anyway, I was trying to explain that to the kids and tell them I was having a weird day so I told them, "I got my hair done yesterday and I can still smell the chemical on it so maybe I'm just high or something."  Admittedly it's not the worst thing I could have said, but being high is probably not something your fifth grade teacher should be talking about. It didn't really bother me until the kids told me they hoped I wasnt high the next day too. 

And that is just a tiny sampling of the wisdom you can hear from me nearly every day of the week. 

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