March 7, 2014


So...a few random facts about life lately. 

1. For some odd reason the kids at school seem to think that kolton is  the coolest. They told me the other day that when I need a sub I should just get kolton to do it. I informed them that I am  waaaay cooler than kolton and that every night when I tell him about what happens at school he says..."I could not do that" (referring to about every aspect of teaching.) I was talking to kolton about this epidemic and he informed me that it was probably because he brought the potato gun to school. I then informed him that it was MY idea in the first place and the potato gun would never have made it to school if it weren't For ME. What can a person do to get some appreciation around here!! *

2. I made the sickest ever lemonade for mutual the other night. A whole gallon and a half of it (at least) I told the girls not to drink it because it was gross but they did anyway. One girl suggested that we all fill our cups and then do our own little Fear Factor. Thanks. 

3. While I was in the midst of making that lemonade i.e. squeezing a billion lemons by hand, I was also in the midst of making quest dip (that turned out to be delicious) and since I was distracted I burned a thick layer of velveeta to the bottom of the pan that took two days of scrubbing and soaking before it was clean. 

4. Because I am the meanest teacher in the world the kids at school had to memorize the preposition song and sing it in front of the class. I was so nervous for them and felt so bad ( I cried a little that night) because they were so dang nervous. Their voices were shaking and oh, I just felt awful. But all of them did really well. One student in particular I was especially proud of. He stood up at the beginning but got stuck and then just stopped and sat back down. At the very end of class I asked if he wanted to try again and he said yes. He did the whole thing perfectly and the rest of the class clapped so loud for him when he was done. That was a good moment. These kids are just the sweetest. 
5. For koltons birthday I got him Netflix and it has kind of transformed our lives. No more five dollar movie bins at Walmart! We can get any of those weird ole shows and watch them once instead of buying them and never watching them again. It's fabulous.

6. Speaking of weird old movies....kolton bought Groundhog Day and we watched it the other night. Oh my stars, I was ready to strangle someone by the end of that show. It is pure torture masked as entertainment. 

The end. 

*it really doesn't bother me that they love kolton. It actually melts my heart a little bit. 

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