February 18, 2013

The Day of Loving

Is it bad that each Valentine's Day we have been married we have become more and more lame?
On this Valentine's Day we had both been busy busy in the days leading up to it. Kolton had been trucking to Boise and I was busy wrangling 52 ten year olds every day. (He wonders why I come home EXHAUSTED every night...) On the 13th, I finally made it into Rexburg to do a little shopping along with a million other errands. I stopped by Deseret Book to grab a birthday present for Tylee and saw that they had a little display of Florence's Chocolates. We love chocolates and have been using our Christmas box as an after church snack. Every Sunday when we come home from church and are getting out of our fancy clothes and into our sweatpants ASAP, we allow ourselves to eat one chocolate apiece. (This usually turns into me sneaking another one and then talking Kolton into having another one too. It's near impossible to eat just one!)
But for this Valentine's I decided to really be choosy and give Kolton the "Nut and Caramel Only" box of chocolates (For real though-who even eats those cream ones? Usually they are the ones left in the box with approximately one bite taken out of them.) to replace our old box that we have finished the previous Sunday.  
I was hoping he would be sharing with me.
Then, when I ran to Wal-Mart to grab some other errands, after hunting through the ENTIRE store to find a big bag of Hershey Kisses (for my class party) I stumbled across the bin of $5 movies. After sorting through a bunch of trashy never-even-made-it-to-the-theatre-but-went-straight-to-DVD movies, I hit the jackpot.
I came home with Last of the Mohicans (Kolton's favorite-we have had his parents' copy for over a year now...) and by the way, DID finally find my kisses. After I checked out, of course.
When I made it home that night it was late and I crashed after setting my alarm for 3:30 the following morning. I was hoping to get my stuff set out after Kolton fell asleep but before he left in the truck that morning.
Bad Idea.
I did wake up on time and was efficiently sneaky, but after setting out my little lame gift I COULD NOT go back to sleep. I tossed and turned for another hour at least until Kolton's alarm went off.
When he was walking out the door I did manage to stumble, bleary-eyed, into the kitchen to wish him a happy day. Only then was I FINALLY able to go back to sleep. (Nothing irritates me more than lying awake in bed)
When I woke up again, I saw that Kolton had left out a pretty little potted rosebush. (It's kind of tradition.) and wrote me a sweet little note on the whiteboard. (That he erased when he got home that night. Not happy about this!)
Teagan came over to hang out with us and we played a couple thousand rounds of Wizard, popped in a movie, and that was our day! Nothing too exciting, but it definitely worked for us. Nice and relaxing worked just right for this year. 

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