October 21, 2011

christmas break part 5

After building up all that courage, I was just plum wiped out.
I laid my head back on Kolton's chest and fell asleep.
I was woken up a short time later by Kolton rearranging himself.
I was a little bit confused when he explained that I needed to go to the bedroom to sleep and he was going to stay on the floor.
My sleep/kiss addled brain was not working properly so I insisted that he go into the bedroom, and I would stay right where I was on that cozy (not.) floor. He looked at me for a minute, realized I wasn't changing my mind, spread out a blanket on the floor for me, got me a pillow, and headed into the bedroom to sleep out the rest of the night in a decent bed.
When I woke up, more than a little bleary eyed and bushy tailed, I lay on my not-so-cozy makeshift bed and replayed the events of the previous night.

Did that....really...happen?
He's gonna come out of that bedroom any minute and what am I supposed to do? Hang all over him, ignore him (this is reverting back to my elementary mindset) What the heck am I supposed to say?
What now?

Do I sound like a giddy 16 year old to you?
Yeah, to me too.

But even though I was a little giddy (while brushing our teeth, I quickly whispered the story to Andra and we did a little celebratory dance right there in the bathroom) I was still nervous and unsure as all get out.

When he finally came out of the bedroom to help fix breakfast, I faked a confident smile and a "Good morning!"  to hide my 16 year old-ness.
I think it worked.

After breakfast, we cleaned up and headed out of there.
Kolton drove me to my cabin and I invited him in to meet the fam. After a little coaxing, he finally gave in. After chatting with my family for a bit and me answering my aunt's whispered questions with whispers and giggles of my own, my dad suggested we go for a snowmobile ride.
I talked Kolton into staying and going with us (it wasn't too hard, if you can imagine) because I was definitely not going to ride my own snowmobile. I am content to be a passenger.
We went for a nice little ride, Kolton only threw me off the back a couple times to which I just laughed and acted like I was "cool" with. (I'm not so "cool with it" anymore, just so you know)
One time in particular, I remember him throwing me off the back of the snowmobile, not even realizing I was no longer present, and continuing up the side of the mountain. When he did finally turn around and pull up alongside me, he motioned me with his arm and said, "Come on" like "What's your problem, get over here! We've got snowmobiling to do." to which I glared at him. A wasted glare, by the way since I had goggles on, and climbed back on.

When we finally made it back to the cabin, I was frozen and my goggles were all iced over. But I was happy because my arms  hadn't released their death grip from around Kolton's waist all day.
After warming up by the fire with some hot cocoa, I thought he was going home.
I really did.
But he stayed, and stayed, and stayed and I finally realized that he was in this for the long haul and was staying the night.

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