September 21, 2011

sometimes we argue part II

1. whether our alarm clock is nerdy.
When we went household item shopping, Kolton was bound and determined to get an alarm clock that projects on the ceiling.
 I just looked at him.
when we finally did reach the alarm clock aisle and finally did find the projecting kind, I had other battles I wanted to fight (like getting a meat mallet, or our darling shower curtain that was maybe a little more spendy than a shower curtain should be) so I gave this one up pretty easily and let him put 'er in the cart. However, he did get a little teasing about the nerdiness factor of a projecting alarm clock.
He protested about how neat it is to be able to just open your eyes, look at the ceiling, and know what time it was.
I still thought it was nerdy.
And even though I still think it's pretty nerdy, it is pretty handy as well. Kolton's reasoning did win out in the end and I've grown accustomed to our nerdiness.

2. Whether to deactivate the seat belt chimes in our cars.
Do you know what i'm talking about? When you don't put on your seat buckle and the car beeps and beeps and beeps at you until you finally break down and buckle up?
Kolton has been fighting me on this one because Honda got really serious about their seat belt chimes and instead of a pleasant sound we get an annoying buzzing/beeping that goes off every other second.
But I know that if I give in and let him deactivate the beeping/buzzing he will NEVER wear his seat buckle.
So I hold strong and it's a hot topic every time we climb in the car.

3. If potatoes count as a vegetable. I'm not a real big fan of vegetables.
Actually, I don't like them one little bit.
Kolton may not be a huge fan of vegetables, but he insists that we have at least one serving per day.
That results in us eating a lot of corn
(cause I do like corn. a whole lot.)
But sometimes Kolton gets kinda sick of corn all the time, so he tries to open up a can of beans.
To which I say, blech.
(beans are not my favorite. I'll eat em but...they're not my favorite)
So in our many discussions about the need for vegetables in our diet I've brought up the fact that we eat a lot of potatoes.
(like a lot of potatoes)
So our vegetable quota is filled,
checked off,
But Kolton can't just be happy with this.
Then he goes and has to insist that potatoes don't actually count as vegetables and that we have to add a little more green to our palate.
It's an ongoing discussion.

4. The amount of hours a person can legally spend doing homework. 
Especially how much homework should be allowed to be done on the weekends.
I've always seen the weekends as a blessed reprieve, not a time to get all caught up and then overachieve and get ahead for the next week.
I also haven't maintained a 4.0 since the second grade.
Nonetheless, I am constantly begging Kolton to just give it up already and play with me since we're gone to school all day and then he has to come home and lock himself in solitary confinement (the extra bedroom) and compute silly biochemistry problems.
Really, no one will be happier than me when he finally graduates.

5. What constitutes as "dinner"
Just to set the record straight, I don't try to force my strange eating habits on Kolton.
However, when he is gone or has already eaten, dinner for me, myself, is quite the adventure.
I have always not enjoyed cooking for one.
It just seems like such a waste. especially considering my aversion to leftovers.
So when I only have myself to look after, anything in the kitchen is fair game. (except for like, the fridge magnets of course)
When I was at BYU, a sleeve of Ritz and a bag of popcorn would make a fine feast.
(thank heavens my roommates staged an intervention and we all started rotating cooking for each other during the week. who knows what I would have resorted to without their meals)
So when certain circumstances arise and Kolton is gone or has already eaten for some reason, I just have no desire to cook.
Or even be in the kitchen for more than five seconds.
It just takes too much effort.
So instead I'll hunt around for a box of crackers and maybe some fruit snacks and call 'er good.
Then I'll tell Kolton about it and he'll shake his head at me and inform me that whatever I just consumed doesn't actually count as dinner and that I failed on my daily nutritional value for the day (what's new?)
But you know what?
I kinda think a bag of popcorn for dinner is good for a person every once in a while.
It just adds a little spontaneity to your life.

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