April 29, 2011

where oh where?

We've had a bit of drama at our house lately.
So remember the mice problem?Our solution to the mice problem was a cat. Said cat was veddy, veddy prego and had five baby kitties shortly after moving in. {the whole story of actually getting the cat to our house, is actually hilarious. well....my mom and I thought so anyway.}
So being the good caretakers that we are, dear Kolton and I housed this mama and her babies in our garage. {our very, very large garage, I might add}
So after feeding these kitties, and cleaning out the litterbox, and worrying about running over the mama every time we pulled out of the garage, and cleaning out the litterbox, and having the garage be all smelly because I  avoided cleaning out the litterbox (seriously cat people. I don't know how you do it. Litterboxes are about the most disgusting and un-dignifying things ever. Once the litterbox is full the kitty kinda looks at you like "Okay, shoo shoo-clean that sucker out so we can start this all over again." Now this is making me gag. Ive had about enough of litterbox talk for today}

....We decided it was time for our kitties to find a new home.

Kolton gathered up some little straw bales and we made a lovely little mini-straw-bale house for our beloved kitties.
 Turns out, the ungrateful mama didn't exactly appreciate this idea all that much. 
So she took off. and left us with exactly five baby kitties to care for and nurture. 
So for the past few days a couple times a day we have gathered up our baby kitties {that are about two weeks old, by the way} and fed them warm milk from our fridge with medicine droppers. {are we gonna be good parents or what?}

Well, yesterday morning we went to gather up our baby kitties and there was only four! Four baby kitties! We didn't know what had happened to little Blackie {...or was he Fluffy?} anyway. He was missing. And we had no idea where the heck he could be. But since there wasn't a whole lot we could do about the situation, I went to school and Kolton headed off to work.
That evening, we returned home and found all five baby kitties missing.
We have no idea what's become of them.
or what to do.
or who to turn to.
or why our parenting skills weren't good enough for them.
or what I'm fixing for dinner tonight....er....ignore that one.

The point is....we don't know where they've gone or what to do. {Besides search for them. But it's kinda windy. And cold. Maybe tomorrow.}
I suggested hanging up missing posters all around town, but Kolton didn't think that was a good idea. So if anyone has seen five missing baby kitties please contact us.
We appreciate your time.

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