April 25, 2011

so it's been a while....

And I sincerely apologize for my absence. But holy moley, has it been a crazy couple of weeks! We finished school, packed up and headed out to Monteview to live for the summer!
A couple weeks ago when we really started to get nervous about where exactly we were going to live for the summer {neither of our parents basements were an option, by the way} a house on my dad's farm all the sudden opened up and it's become our home sweet home.
Don't get me wrong, I really did love our apartment. It was little and fun and our first home {Kolton doesn't understand sentimental things like that.....MEN!} So it was really sad for me to leave, but we have been loving our new house.
However, some things that we DO miss {or at least, I do} about our apartment are:

-How close we were to our good friends. One phone call, and we'd be over playing card games in about two seconds. We miss being so close!
-I don't know if Kolton necessarily misses this...but our upstairs neighbors played the guitar. almost every afternoon we had front row {or downstairs} seats to a guitar concert complete with singing. And let me tell you-they were seriously GOOD! I loved listening to them and just thought it was so.....charming.
-I don't know that there's really any specific features of our apartment that I necessarily miss, but just that it was our first home together and we had a lot of great memories there. Even if we only stayed for four months.
Some things that were funny about our apartment {"funny" as in "not that great"}
-Being scalded every time we turned on the sink. There were some serious hot water issues in that place.
-The window that wouldn't quite shut. I really did not enjoy the howling all night
-The fact that we were drowning in lint! We had a washer and dryer {also an awesome feature} but it seemed like we always had lint EVERYWHERE! It drove me crazy and I definitely don't miss it.

But all in all....it was our first place together and it was really a lot of fun.

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