October 12, 2010

things i love today.

-When they play the "Star Spangled Banner" over the intercom all across campus at exactly 5:27pm. Even though I was running late to class I just had to stop, put my hand over my heart, and enjoy it. Watching [almost] everyone else stop during their busy hustling to make it to class was neat. All of the sidewalks stopped for a minute while everyone did their patriotic thing. The only thing that could have made this better is if we ended this moment with all of us reciting The Pledge of Allegiance in unison. I miss that!
-The acorn that fell from the sky and just about conked me in the head. "The sky is falling!" as I barely dodged the unidentified flying object, I had a moment of panic. But then as it hit the ground I realized it was an acorn and started giggling to myself.
And lastly...
-The feeling that I had leaving my New Testament class. (L.O.V.E. that class) We had taken the last few minutes of class to quietly listen to "Come Thou Fount" sung by the BYU choir. It was so beautiful and I just had the most peaceful feeling leaving class. I had big plans to study flashcards on the way home but I just couldn't do it. I just enjoyed the walk home. The beautiful sunshine, the fall smells, crunching through the leaves, and thought about what we'd learned that day. It was such a wonderful feeling.

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