April 26, 2012


The last couple weeks have been crazy busy.
The day Kolton graduated we spent mostly scrubbing toilets and cleaning baseboards and the next day wasn't much better.
(However, I forgot to mention that that evening (after graduation) we grabbed some Chinese takeout and Kiwi Loco. At Kiwi Loco, Kolton guessed his weight-and by george, he got it! Down to a hundreth of a pound. so that was free yogurt for my brilliant graduate)
But after we were all loaded up (with a trailer and two cars stuffed to the max.) we headed out to good ole Monteview.
Then with the help of our families we got settled in within just a few hours.
It's been nice to be back. It just feels like home.

And things have gone significantly better than last year...so far anyway (knock on wood). We did have to buy a new oven however since ours was on it's last leg. And it's just the prettiest oven I ever did see! I felt like such a big kid buying my very own oven.

Then I started up school again (sigh...) and so far I am not enjoying myself. I drive into Rexburg every single day and I was sick of it after about two days. But it's good. it gives me something to do. It's just a lot of driving and the audio book collection at my local library is lookin pretty slim. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

And that's pretty much all that's going on. Kolton goes to work every morning and I head off to school. It's nice to be on a schedule and really school wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the homework...

And that's about all I've got to say about that.
(Sorry so boring. I'll try to electrocute myself or something tomorrow so I have something interesting to share.)

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