April 11, 2012

he did it!

The moment we have been waiting for has finally come and gone.
Kolton graduated!
It was a beautiful day.

I just have to brag about him a little since he would never brag about himself.
Kolton has worked so hard in his schooling. Pretty sure he hasn't got anything below an A- since the second grade. When we were first married (since we've been married for so long...) I came to resent his diligence toward his schoolwork. I had a relatively easy semester and he had one of his hardest. in between Organic Chemistry, Physics, and other classes he was always locked in the back room of our apartment doing homework.
I was always rarin' to do some fun stuff since we were finally together after lots of long distance stuff, but he just always had homework!
This is not to say we never did anything fun, he just spent a LOT of time in that back room at his desk
and many more hours on campus study, study, studying for hours and hours. While he always did well, he definitely worked hard for it.

I always tease him about how worried he gets about his grades and certain assignments. There were so many times he would come home from the testing center extremely put out because he was just sure he had failed his test.
Sure enough, he never did and usually ended up as the top scorer. That big nerd! He was always the student that everyone else groans at when the teacher announces there will be no curving because someone got 100%.

Anyway, all of this work and studying and solitude and stressing finally paid off this weekend when my dear kolton had
not one,
not two,
but THREE asterisks by his name in the graduation program.
He graduated suma cum laude and was in the top 1% of his class.
My dad was so proud of him. Everyone that he's seen since then, he's had to tell them about the three asterisks thing.
I was a proud little wifey as well (and mostly relieved that I don't have to deal with his stressed-outed-ness anymore).

kolton and jordan were great russian and other subject study buddies.
the gang. it was so fun that most of them got to graduate together!

Right after receiving his diploma. I wanted to get the "perfect picture" here, but of course you know how that goes. my camera shut off as soon as they called his name, so this is as good as i got. ah well...

the hansen gang...minus teagan
with the in-laws. this is probably the only time my dad let go of his program all night.
and my death grip on the diploma.

oh happy day!


  1. Congrats! To both of you! I'm not surprised one bit that he had 3 asteriks next to his name... he was always my biggest competition. ;) Enjoy your no-homework freedom!

  2. First off...CONGRATS!!

    Second...I was TOTALLY one of those people that NEEDED the test to be curved in High School! I took biology with him and like six other smart people. Wish I was smart enough to know that was a mistake!! :)


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