August 30, 2011

a story

once upon a time, boy was working hard.
like really hard.
like so hard that he didn't have time to come home for lunch and his clothes were filthy dirty and shmelly by the time he got home at night.
(girl didn't love doing that laundry so much)
so girl decided to do something nice for  boy and make his most favorite dinner of all time. she spent the whole afternoon preparing and even made a pie.
(girl didn't even know that she could make a pie)
boy told her about the time he would make it home from work and girl carefully planned around the schedule and had everything to go right on time.
(that was a miracle in itself.)
 the chicken was bubbling in the oven,
the rolls were perfectly browned, piping hot, and just waiting to be slathered with butter.
the potatoes were mashed up and fluffy (also slathered in butter)
but boy was nowhere to be found.
so girl covered everything up and tried to keep it warm because she just knew boy would be home any minute.

two hours later, boy walked in the door.
girl was a little frustrated because she'd spent all the time preparing the meal so it would be ready right on time, and now the gravy had congealed.
and girl hates it when the gravy congeals.
so girl tried to mask her frustration because she knew that she really shouldn't be frustrated.
boy had been working hard.
she could tell.
he was certainly dirty, and his clothes had to be thrown straight in the washer because they were so shmelly.
but still.
the gravy had congealed!

but girl swallowed her frustration and just looked at boy.
boy looked at the kitchen spread with his favorite meal that was now cold.
then he looked at girl.
straight in the eye.
he got a serious look on his face and then he said.
"I'm sorry."

and then girl looked back at him.
straight in the eye.
got a serious look on her face and then said.
"It's okay."
because it really was okay.
and because girl really loves sincere apologies.
(and she kinda likes boy too.)

so girl made up two plates, stuck them in the microwave, and guess what?
they were good as new. (or as they had been two hours previous)
even the congealed gravy.

after dinner, girl dished up pie.
boy took one bite and his whole face lit up.
(he didn't know girl could make pie either!)
and they lived happily ever after.


  1. HAHA this Cracks me up!! You are such a good wifey! I read this to Matt thinking he'd get a kick out of it and instead I got myself in trouble... He asked where his dinner and pie was. :) oops!

  2. PS...Matt has done that to me on several accounts and I did not handle it as well as you did- Good work! That was my other motive when I thought of reading this to him. I hoped he would understand what kind of preparation goes into a meal like that (when he gets those kind anyway haha) but of course he didn't!


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