November 16, 2010

let's talk leaves

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've had anything to say. I've actually had about a bajillion things to say but I either a) couldn't find the time or b) couldn't find the right words. So I've been a little neglecting lately, but I promise, promise I will be better.
Today was a windy, cold, typical November day.
I love November a whole lot.
 My favorite things about November are: the anticipation of Christmas coming right around the corner, the crisp air, the smells, cider, scarves wound around chilly necks, hands shoved in coat pockets, the whole bit. However, my favorite thing about November would probably be all the colorful leaves that have left the treetops and are now just sitting on the sidewalks waiting to be crunched.
and I am always willing to oblige.

(how could you NOT enjoy something as beautiful as these!?)
The other day I was walking into a building on campus (I cannot for the LIFE of me remember which building it was) and I looked over and saw a girl walking not on the sidewalk but near a tree under which was a heaping pile of leaves. She was kicking the leaves up as she trudged through them and the pure look of joy on her face really got me thinking.
So today as I was crunching through leaves on my way home from campus I thought to myself, "self, why exactly do you so enjoy hearing the crunch of your boot-clad foot connecting with a leaf?"
I thought and thought, but really couldn't come up with a logical answer.
So instead I started analyzing the different types of leaves scattered on the sidewalk, deciding which ones gave the most satisfying crunch.
I decided that the brown really dried out ones do give a nice crunchy crunch, but they are not (as my interior design professor would say) "aesthetically pleasing", so they don't give me a whole lot of enjoyment.
I think red leaves are so beautiful looking so sometimes I feel kind of bad trodding them underfoot. and plus, they don't really give that great of a crunch. So it's not really quite worth it to step out of my way for them when I can just admire them from afar.
Yellow leaves are okay. I would probably go out of my way to step on one, but they are not quite as crunchy as I would prefer. But they are a fantastic color!
And finally, orange leaves are where it's at. Almost every single orange leaf that my foot found today gave a great, loud, crispy, satisfying crunch. I would definitely recommend these.
Just so ya know.
If you are concerned about my sanity right now, don't worry. I'm just feeling a little burned out (it's definitely time for Thanksgiving break!) and right now all I want to think about are inconsequential things like crunchy leaves. That's all.

1 comment:

  1. hahah Oh Jayc! I just love you! :) I'm so glad I found your blog-


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