July 31, 2013

Bye, Ty

Today is the big day.
The day that little sister of mine enters the MTC. 
She is headed on a mission to Jackson, Mississippi and can't even contain her excitement. 
I'm dang excited for her and dang sad at the same time. I'll miss her to pieces!
But it will definitely be an awesome adventure where she will learn and grow SO much and do so much good, so maybe it's worth 18 months of missing her. 

We've had a jam packed summer of fun trying to fit it all in before she leaves. But no matter what we did to slow down time, there I was this morning hugging her bye and waving as the car headed down the road. 

She will be such an amazing missionary and I know that she will do so much to bless the lives of the people she will serve. 

Yesterday morning we headed to the temple with my mom, dad, Tylee, and I for our final farewell day.
Tylee and my dad dubbed themselves as the "Temple Riders"  and rode the Harley into the temple with my dad in his suit and all.

My dad is the worst picture taker ever. 

After that, we headed to Millhollow real quick to grab some sandwiches. 
Again, my dad is the worst picture taker ever. 
But his skills did get us some good laughs. 
He holds the camera out and just clicks and clicks and clicks and captures some pretty funny stuff.

After we got home from that fun I attempted to help Tylee pack but instead sat on her bed and read her journal and ordered her around. I don't know how it happened, but somehow she got packed. 

That night we headed to the stake center for her to get set apart and then had some family over and we ate and chatted and said our goodbyes. And that was that.

 Newman Family group hug

 We love Ty, but sometimes you can't help but make this face after being around her for a while.

Love that girl so dang much! 
I'm hoping to start a missionary blog for her and I'll update with that blog address so everyone that wants can keep up with pictures and emails. 

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