March 3, 2013

Bloody H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

So the other day we were driving into town to meet up with my parents for dinner, run some errands, go grocery shopping, and other unpleasant such things. (minus the part where we met up with my parents. That was pleasant of course!)
So we are on the freeway about ten or so minutes out of town and I started complaining to Kolton about how badly I needed to blow my nose but there were exactly zero kleenex in my car. I had checked every pocket and nook and cranny but there were none.
I've been recovering from a death cold for the third time already this year. I think it's time to start using hand sanitizer on a regular basis! Those germy kids at school...
So I don't want to be completely gross, but for lack of kleenex and being sick of sniffing, I finally reached for a piece of paper on the floor and used that instead.
and almost completely ineffective.
As if that wasn't bad enough, suddenly I had an unstoppable bloody nose. Yuck! And no kleenexes in sight. So I start ripping the same piece of paper into chunks and put it up to my nose to staunch the flow. Then I lean my seat way back and order Kolton to get off the first exit and to the nearest gas station.
I didn't have to tell him twice. He put the pedal to the medal and got us to a gas station within minutes. Then he jumped out of the car and ran into the men's bathroom and stole me a roll of toilet paper. By this time my nosebleed has mostly stopped and now I have dried blood all over my nose and mouth and cheeks and it was real nasty but also really funny.
And I really don't know why these kind of things always happen to me.
Maybe to remind myself not to take life so seriously...
I dunno. 

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