January 17, 2012


Christmas was wonderful, like always
And I got spoiled, like always.
I love Christmas for everything, but one thing that iIhave always loved are the Christmas secrets/surprises. 
I love going shopping and finding all sorts of fun things and I especially love giving surprises, things that haven't been hinted at but that I just know they will love. 
I had a few of these surprises forKkolton and it was KILLING me! It is so hard for me to keep a secret from that man. Somehow I did it, but there were so many times that I was going to mention or bring up something I had bought him but hadn't given him yet. 

I also loved spending all sorts of time with our families over the break. 
For the first few days we were out of school we really didn't know what to do with ourselves. 
We seriously sat around and looked at each other for three days. After being so busy finishing up school it was nice to have a break, but a person can only sit in an apartment for so long. We were so happy to head out to Monteview to visit our families and to have something to do.

We split our time between Island Park and Monteview and it was just grand. I absolutely love being in Island Park. It's just so relaxing and it feels so remote and away from the rest of the world. We loved being there and in Monteview. Monteview is probably my second favorite place in the world...I know, I know. But it just feels like home (probably because it is).

We also spent inordinate amounts of time playing Wackee Six, Golf, Wizard, Scum, and watching all the new card tricks Kolton learned during the time he had nothing better to do.

All in all, it was a fabulous and much needed break (also much too short). We loved spending time with our families, staying up way too late (anything past 10), and chowing down on anything and everything. I have even been a little homesick for Christmas Break since it ended. 

Now we're back to the grindstone.
Correction: I am back to the grindstone. Kolton has a total of one class and one internship this semester, which adds up to a lot of down time for him.
But it's all good. and I'll try to be better at keeping up now that I'm on a regular schedule.
But that's not a promise.  

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