November 30, 2011

I got in trouble.

The other day.
Because for the first time ever in his entire life, Kolton clicked onto my blog.
I don't know what inspired him to do it, I've had this baby for over a year, people occasionally comment on it-in person, I mean, and some special friends of ours even like to quote me when we get together (Yes Zach, I mean you.)

But dear Kolton had never really shown an interest until the other night. We were sitting around doing our own thing on our own internets when I glanced over and saw a familiar little screen.

And then I got kind of embarrassed. I've been able to share some stories because I know that they can be my own and no one will be able to correct me when I skew a few details (not that I ever do that...) and I can write (and exaggerate) pretty much whatever I want.

But I got over my embarrassment, there's no room for embarrassment in a marriage.
And I snuggled up to Kolton and together we read some of the "little journal of our life together".
And you know what?
I got a few chuckles, and even a couple hearty laughs from him. But then I may have gotten in a little bit of trouble for sharing "Our story" he said that it was too embarrassing to share, but I said that's tough luck partner because my favorite kind of stories to share are the embarrassing ones.

My proudest moment of the entire conversation was when Kolton acknowledged that maybe my blogging wasn't a complete waste of time. That maybe it was a good thing to keep track of where we've been and where we're headed.
So I guess I'll keep at it!


  1. Wow, I just got called out on your blog. I guess I'll have to be more choosy about what I tease you about! haha

  2. No, No, NO! You should consider it an honor! Now all three readers will know your name!


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