June 17, 2011

things i love lately

1.  Two words for you.
Soft Scrub.
This stuff worked a major miracle on my kitchen sink.
Ever since we moved into this house I have been disgusted with the state of my kitchen sink. It's white porcelain and every little stain would show up. And plus, there was a bunch of nasty crusted on junk that no matter how hard I scrubbed would NOT come off.
So I invested in a little Soft Scrub, laid it on thick, and let it work it's magic. I'll tell ya, I became a believer. After just a tiny bit of scrubbing, the junk I for sure thought was permanent lifted right off. I should have taken before and after pictures. And I should have also invested in rubber gloves because the plastic sacks I had covering my hands didn't really do the trick. My hands were burning, but my sink was finally sparkling.
It was a fair trade.

2. Biore Pore Strips.

I always watched those makeover movies where they put those fancy little beauty strips on your nose, but I didn't know that they actually made them...or better yet, that they actually worked. These things work some magic. Seriously.
If I was Oprah and had my own talk show and could give away free gifts to everyone in the audience.
I would give them these. Just so you know.

3. Cardigans
Why, oh why has it taken me twenty years to discover cardigans? I have a wish list of cardi's I would buy including this little beauty...

h&m baby. I just discovered this little treasure of a store.

4. on a less materialistic note...
the new additions to our the Hansen side of the family.
Tyson the missionary got home last week and Calvin Barrett Godfrey joined us just yesterday. I went to visit the sweet bebe and his parents in the hospital today and he was just darling.
I already love that little guy.
But do I have pictures of any of these big events....of course not. That would require that I actually grow a brain and function like a normal person.
Sometimes I can really connect with the plight of the scarecrow....

If I only had a brain...

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