January 14, 2011

walking in a slushy wonderland...

That is the epitome of Rexburg, Idaho at the moment. Holy cow! The first few days of school the sidewalks were covered in snow (and were very slickery) and the roads were covered (seriously, completely caked) in this nasty, brown, wet, slushy junk. (which was also pretty slickery, by the way) 
This problem was especially made worse by the fact that I was wandering around in the nasty slush-land not knowing where I was going and getting lost at every turn. Seriously...this campus was/is beyond confusing for me. I still get lost a lot, much to Kolton's dismay (He must not have known that he married a girl with absolutely no sense of direction and an even less affinity for reading a map, poor guy).
No, he's actually been very patient with me calling him up every five seconds asking where this building is, or what that street is. He even drew me a map! (which actually wasn't that nifty considering the above mentioned problem of mine)
However, I do have one little thing to be grateful for amid all the slush. (well, actually I guess it's technically two things...) and those are.....
These babies.
(they literally rock my socks)
They have saved my life (and my socks) as I've wandered around campus these last few weeks. I just lace em up nice and tight and I'm good to go! I can walk a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e.- especially on slushy, snowy, wet roads and sidewalks and neither my socks nor the bottom of my pant legs get soggy and wet.

I think everybody needs a pair of these.

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