October 13, 2012

The Kidlings and Us

I have been trying hard lately to be better at taking pictures. There's still definitely room for improvement, but I was looking through my camera the other day and was happy to see there were pictures from the last couple months on there that I had forgotten about. Many of these pictures were of of Kolton and I and other people's kids. Of course I had to share!
We went to the homecoming football game and I had a lovely time visiting with old friends and trying to not watch what was going on in the actual game as they were losing quite badly. Renlee was decked to the hilt to cheer on her uncles and I just had to get a picture. This little girl is so fun. She has basically no facial expressions and puts your arm to sleep if you hold her for too long. :) I love her!

 Lily Mae also had a birthday. 3 years old!
The party was at the Godfrey's and Lil was SO excited. She was jumping up and down and wouldn't hold still for a second. She had to show everyone her "birthday" (cake) and was so much fun.

And lastly, my favorite newest addition:
Dawson Chad Bitter

He arrived on September 30th and is just the sweetest little guy. I've found any excuse to visit just so I can snuggle him. His parents are about my favorite people in the world and we just really love the entire Bitter family.
Kolton and the proud Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Hey look at you! Posting so many pictures, I love it. And your hair is getting so long, I love it!


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