Man, these 5th graders sure keep me busy. I feel like I am just trying to stay one step ahead of them all day and by the end of the day I am just exhausted. But it is sure fun!
Just for an update for what has been happening in the life of Mrs. Hansen...
-One day I told the kids that I was going on a date with my husband that night and one kid piped up, "Are you gonna kiss him!" He said it all suggestively like that was the grossest thing we could do. I said, "I sure hope so!" and he turned the brightest shade of red. It killed me.
-Every Monday I have them share with the class what they did over the weekend and one kid always tells the biggest stories. He climbs on the roof and his mom starts the kitchen on fire and his sister falls down the stairs and just all sorts of crazy stuff. One day Brevan said to me, "Do you think any of ________ stories are really true?" Very few, I answered. But it still cracks me up and I always brace myself when it's his turn to share.
-We are having a read-a-thon tomorrow and I am really excited about it! We are also going to celebrate all the kids who have summer birthdays and I just think it's going to be so awesome.
-We had parent teacher conference and did a student led conference and it was AWESOME! The kids had portfolios and we practiced and practiced and practiced what they were going to say and it was just so fun to see them seated at the table with their parents and explaining everything they have been learning. It was so neat, even though the kids claimed we were trying to torture them.
-We were learning about writing letters and where to put the commas in the greeting and so forth so we wrote a letter as a class. I had the kids vote on who they wanted to write to and they decided on Kolton! I have no idea why but they sure think he's the coolest! They wrote him this letter:
Dear Kolton,
We enjoyed
your potato gun. What is your job? How are you? How did you hurt your knee?
What kind of motorbike do you have? Kolton, have you shot your 223 gun? We would like to see your potato gun, your
puppy, your knee, and your awesome dog
house. Write back to us.
Sincerely Yours,
Your Wife’s Best Class 5A
He replied with this letter:
Dear My Wife's Best Class 5A,
It was very good to hear from you! I was definitely not expecting a letter from you, but it was a pleasant surprise. I am glad that you enjoyed helping me shoot off my potato gun. It was fun for me too, and if I hadn't shot it with you, I probably wouldn't have shot it this year. It will probably be collecting dust in the garage until the next time I have someone to show it to.
I have attached a few pictures that I will let my lovely wife show you. It was good to hear from you, and I hope that you are good kids for Mrs. Hansen or you will be hearing from me again!
I thought it was just the cutest and funniest thing ever.
-The other class decided to write to Mr. Mackay. I had the letter pulled up on the projector and had just typed Dear Mr. when the door opened and all the kids freaked out! When I saw it was Mr. Mackay I freaked out a little bit too! So we were all just spazzing out and all the kids were pointing at him and gasping and I said "Oh!" about a million times and he just looked at us like we were crazy. It was so funny.
-I had to film myself teaching today for an evaluation and I set up the camera and was nervous about how the kids would behave with that tiny little distraction in the room so I told them that the principal had asked me to film them to see how they were behaving and they were complete angels! We might have to do that more often!
-Anyway! Things are going good! I just really love these kids even though I get frustrated and maybe even grumpy some days they really are the greatest. They are so fun and definitely keep me on my toes. The other day I missed half the day but came back in the afternoon and when I walked in all the kids said hi and were so glad to see me and it just really made my day! Goll, teaching is great!