September 12, 2013

Addi Too!

Addi also proved to be a pretty good sibling in the week before school started. She came down to the school and spent two full days working with me in my classroom. 
And I worked her hard! She put up bulletin boards, decorated my door, and hung up tons of wall decorations. I couldn't have gotten it all done without her. 
We took a break and got ourselves some grilled cheese at KG's and then afterward stopped at the Lube Shop and got a Frazil which I immediately dropped and spewed ALL OVER the floor of the store. One of the more embarrassing moments I've had...lately. 
But Addi really did an awesome job and I was so grateful for her. She just kept asking, "What do you want me to do next?" 
Love that girl!

September 10, 2013

That Brevan!

I sure like that Brevan kid. 
Especially when he offers to mow my lawn for me. 
The other day I was out mowing and he was discing wheel tracks by my house. when he finished with the wheel tracks he came over to my house and made me get off the lawn mower. 
I tried to tell him that I was fine and I could do it but he just said. "I'll do it. You go inside and make something."
So I did! I whipped up some zucchini bread that we munched on after he was done...and after he had cleaned his face and hands. I guess it was a little dusty out there...?

Love that little Brevy!

September 8, 2013

Blackfoot Fair

We made it again down to the Blackfoot Fair. I've honestly been more in the last two year than probably almost my entire life combined. And it was a good time! 
After school on Wednesday Kolton and my family picked me up and we headed down. We were going to see the Motocross Event. So I got myself some corn on the cob and a tiger ear and settled in. It was a pretty good show and we had a nice time watching those guys do out of this world tricks. I would jump and shudder every time they did anything. I was just so nervous for them!
The next day we got an invite from the Shively's to go back down to the fair on Saturday for the Demolition Derby.
So Saturday we were back! And can I just say that it was about the most redneck thing I have ever done. Oh, it was so dang funny watching those cars just beat each other up. It was a pretty good show and we had a nice time. It was about two hours longer than I would have liked, but still good nonetheless.

 So excited!
 This little John Deere car was my favorite.
And then we finished off the night with a strawberry kabob. Good times at the fair!

I had a birthday!

Clear back in the beginning of August we celebrated my birthday with the whole fam damily. 
Everyone came to my mom's house and we had cake and ice cream and I opened a whole lot of presents. All of them were "teacher clothes" so I can wear something other than the black pants with the torn hem that I wore every day during Student Teaching. 
So it was a pretty perfect birthday. It just doesn't get much better than opening a bunch of clothes and having some cute kids helping me. 

P.S. 44 were the only candles we had, so we had to do a little math and divide by 2
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